Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

I am determined to make the most of this shoulder injury I have. I can't lift anything heavier than a toothpick, twist or torque it. The swelling and stiffness is a constant reminder not to push it, a hard feat when you lose your dominant arm and get tired of asking someone to help put on your jacket. I've noticed lost muscle mass, so even when I get my arm back it'll be a weak little thing.

Regardless of that whining paragraph, I see this as an opportunity. I've struggled constantly with my shoulders. They try to take over the show when I do my forms, are constantly tense and ache, reminding me that they're too involved and dominant. I have no choice now, if I want to get anything done towards my forms I have to move slow and deliberately, keep my shoulders completely relaxed. Nothing can be rash or sudden otherwise I get a jolt of pain to remind me to behave myself. Everything has to be deliberate and mindful. I lose the moment and do something stupid and my shoulder will tell me.

I've been more engaged and focused lately when doing my forms. They may not reflect that yet- all motion is smaller and below my shoulders, my kicks are slow and soft. But I think in the long run this is a good thing. I have no choice but to address the problem with my shoulders and I get immediate and unrelenting feedback. My six harmonies have a chance to improve now. Too bad it took a ruptured ac ligament to get me here.

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