Wednesday, February 8, 2017

What is your Quest?

I love questions. I love getting asked something that I myself have never thought of, or asked about details that I rarely see people noticing. I love when a student can identify their own holes in their knowledge. It's very rewarding as an instructor when I hear these questions- it tells me that I've managed to instil some amount of motivation or enjoyment into someone else when I hear that they are thinking about the lessons they've received outside of class time.

I cannot stress enough the value of asking questions. There will be times when I as an instructor will purposely give a vague answer in hopes that the student will take the spirit of the answer to heart. Sometimes it is not about the calculations but more about the feeling. There is so much detail embedded into what we do that we can never possibly address it all, but if you understand the system and learn to listen to your body it begins to make sense and the answer will be yours without having to vocalize the question. Thats one of the cool parts about what we do.

Don't ever hesitate to as a question. Don't be shy, don't worry about whether it's a good question or not, don't worry about what your classmates will think if you ask. Chances are they are wondering the same thing. I especially love the questions that stump me- goes to show that I had a hole that I wasn't aware of and give me an opportunity to find out. For kids and adults alike, asking questions gives you a chance to boost your confidence and your knowledge. Thats a pretty powerful combination, if you ask me.

1 comment:

Kevin Lindstrom said...

Questions help me learn not only when asking them but when being asked as well.