Sunday, November 10, 2019


With the recent changes in our house I’ve found myself creating new habits. The biggest is how I view the garbage can; its taken on a new meaning, almost becoming a monster lurking in the corner. I can’t look at it without thinking of what I am trying to accomplish and how far I have yet to go. I see it as a dark stain, and ugly scar in my home. In short, I’ve began to see it in a negative light instead of neutrally, as I had my entire life until now. It’s taken on a life all its own.

I would like to extend a simple challenge. Keep track of how many times in a day you throw something into the trash. Keep a running tally. When I started becoming aware I couldn’t believe the frequency. And I had been living like that my whole life! Now, say to yourself “I am choosing to throw this in a landfill”. Don’t say “just toss it” or “throw it away”. Say “landfill”. Changes the whole game, doesn’t it?

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