Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Rat Pack

I’ve been thinking hard about my requirements for next years team. I have to admit many of my personal requirements have not been met, and with some analysis I can say it is because most are not a priority. They’re love to’s, one day’s and would be cool’s. The few that were important to me, such as putting away savings for the kids, saw the most success.

To rectify this, my goals next year need to be pertinent in my life now, not just in my ideal life of ample time and comfort. I’ve started by breaking down the three areas I need to focus on; myself personally, my family and my community. Little ones have managed to completely change how I think and what my priorities are. I think with this perspective meeting my goals won’t be easy, but will become priority and not left on a back burner.

Personal- My example in this area will set a standard for my kids on the importance of self. Big responsibility, therefore I will stop procrastinating, make appointments and take the time to go to them. Schedule and keep dentist appointments at the frequency they determine necessary. As my chiropractor has moved away, find a new, trusted chiropractor, make and keep appointments at the frequency they determine necessary. I believe this will also work to achieve the third part of this one which is take care of my feet- between the plantars fasciitis and the odd, extremely painful pins and needles sensations I’ve been getting I’m surprised I can walk sometimes. The latter I believe is caused by a pinched nerve in my hip, therefore proper alignment should rectify that.

Family- This will be drastic and yet easy if I succeed. I want to achieve zero waste in my home. I’ve started my journey already by trying to eliminate plastic coming into my home; asking for less at Christmas and birthdays, gifts made from natural materials such as cloth, wood or metal. I’m in the process of changing where and how I shop- mason jars have become my best friends. I’ll need to begin collecting recyclables and make the 30 minute trip to the recycling facility on 43. This will also take research as I haven’t a clue what is or is not recyclable, what types of plastic they take, etc. I’ve began to purge my home, eliminating anything unused, unneeded or unwanted in an effort to simplify and declutter. I need to analyze each area of my home and each aspect of my life and ask myself, is this going to benefit us or hinder us? All this simply because two tiny humans came along and if I’m going to raise them I want to raise them with compassion for their home, the earth.

Community- Nick informed me that once upon a time our small summer village had a recycling program. It has since been discontinued, sometime before I moved in with Nick. I want to rectify this, in my opinion, poor decision by our council. So what will this look like? Research- I noticed on our village website we are told to “train ourselves” to use the facility on Hwy 43. So, looking at the facilities website they mention “working jointly” with several summer villages. Does this mean we’re paying for a service no one knows exists? That is so out of our way no one would use it if we did? Long story short, I need to arm myself with facts and costs and approach our council with a solid proposition to bring back a recycling program to our community.

Things need changing in our lives. Incremental progression will be key. Wait, I’ve heard that somewhere...

1 comment:

Jeff Brinker said...

Excellent personal goals!