Wednesday, February 10, 2021

WHAT is your favourite colour? Blue! No, wait...

I’m guilty. When it comes to asking questions, it is always best to explore for yourself first, try to answer your own question using the knowledge you already have. If you do, the lesson will be yours on a much deeper level. However, I know that I’m guilty myself of skipping this step and just blurting out a question when it occurs to me. Then, when I receive an answer I have a “d’oh” moment. I knew that. Or at least I had the pieces that would have lead me to that.

It makes me feel like I threw away my chance at a lightbulb.

I’m working on it. I have a tendency of speaking before thinking, or thinking down the wrong road and asking the wrong question. I recognize when this occurs, which unfortunately is 95% of the questions I ask. 

Bring forward the knowledge I already have. This is number one. I know there are concepts that are universal, no matter what I am doing. Don’t sacrifice your center. Equal and opposite. Harmony across the body, top to bottom, left to right, corner to corner. Things of that nature.

I know I need to define my intent, and then support that intent. What does my left hand do? It supports the mission statement of my right hand. What does that look like? I dunno, refer to statement one- harmonies left to right. Push and pull. 

What I feel trumps what I think. So quit over analyzing and just do. Did that feel right? No. Tweak, did that feel right? Nope, worse. Tweak. Hey, that felt good! What did I do? 

Power trumps strength. When I feel fatigue in my shoulders or neck I know I’ve reverted to Caveman Khona. Caveman Khona gets tired fast. And grumpy. I don’t like Caveman Khona. I’d rather learn to use the earth than do pushups until my muscles squeak against each other. Besides, all that muscle would make it hard to fit in my kids’ couch fort.

It all sounds simple enough, but it’s so easy to brush off my own ability and rely on someone else to give me a quick and easy answer. But as we all know, the easy way isn’t usually the best way.

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