Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wicked Awesome Times

So I was majorly stressing about my kama form. I'm happy with what I have, but I was hoping to lengthen it (ie. go for the entire song) and it can be hit and miss with my timing to the music. But, its kinda cool (I think) thus far.

The Tiger Challenge last weekend was wicked great. It was the scene of my kama form debut. I really thought I could have majorly done better, but I did get a lot of positive feedback. I tried to make it go with the music, and the song was excellent for giving me ideas. The lyrics were descriptive, ie. 'come from behind with a back attack", "strait in your face" and later "down to your feet". Again, it could have been great if I had gone the entire length of the song. I was even planning on switching to sai's near the end. There was a great place to do this.

Congrats to everyone involved, everyone did so awesome it was a room full of wickedness and awesomeness and electrical greatness. Every year I am awed about what we as a group can do and create. Awesome job to all the competitors and all the volunteers and voluntolds.

Several of the students in Onoway now want to maintain and expand on what they have, so we can put together a wicked awesome demo for the summer of wickedness that is approaching. Everyone is invited to join in our awesomeness.

1 comment:

Jeff Brinker said...

Okay, that was about a month ago. How about posting again??