Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Apple or Pumpkin?

After a long weekend absolutely full with family and food, I'm overflowing with things to be grateful for as I sit here at my computer. Reflecting on the year as I did in my last blog reminds me of all the turmoil as of late, however it also highlights how I am fortunate. How incredibly blessed I am to have such solid friendships in my life is not lost on me. The recent move towards vegetarianism highlights my ability to choose what I eat or when I eat. The ability to push a button and have the heat kick in or the freedom to express my opinions without fear of harm. All things that are easy to take for granted.

I always think that Chloe has no idea how close she was to becoming another homeless, scavenging stray. How lucky she was to be in the right place at the right time that allowed the two of us to come together, and how I had the ability to provide her with a warm, loving home. How lucky am I to be born when and where I was, allowing me the freedoms necessary to live in a secure environment, never mind adopt a dog.

With all the recent anxiety surrounding our economic situation, today is a good day to reflect and take in how fortunate we all really are. We can still afford our oversized trucks. We can still keep our pantry stocked. We can still afford the time to check our social media pages on our advanced mobile devices or our widescreen monitors and watch the latest Hollywood release on our 3D or 4k TV's. Yes, I'd say it's a good day to take stock of what is important and how much we all take for granted. Yes, this conversation came up this weekend. Ironic, isn't it.

Happy post thanksgiving everyone.

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