Monday, October 17, 2016

This, That & the Other Thing

So a few things to cover today. Bear with me.

First, the vegetarian challenge. I don't know if I've failed it. By that I mean that I did have meat, but not because I craved it. I cooked a turkey last Monday for my family and during the week it was sitting in the fridge, not moving and not being eaten. I had a choice to either follow the rule of the challenge and let the thing go to waste or to follow the spirit of the challenge and ensure it did not go to waste. So, I made myself a sandwich out of the leftovers. I figured what was the point of the challenge if no real change was being made. Not necessarily to my diet, but to the example I was setting. I mentioned before, I was near this decision anyways because I was beginning to think of the animals instead of the meat. Happy to say it has not gone to waste and is sitting in my fridge reincarnated as soup via my husband.

Next, the cranes for peace project. Sifu Vantuil went above and beyond last year with this project, all accumulating into those couple pictures we saw on kwoon talk. I saw those photos and thought wow. There are our cranes, in Hiroshima, making a statement to the world. So cool. Since then I've started folding cranes again. I went so far as to pick out my 100 pieces of paper in the most awesome scheme ever (ROYGBIV) and have proceeded to fold and string them. I'm currently on green. I'm hoping to get a string back into the kwoon and, with the help of Sifu Vantuil, get the ball rolling again towards this project.

I've committed to the team again for next year. Although I haven't formalized my goals yet I know where I want to go with regards to them. It's the weapon that has me stumped. I'm not big on weapons. I think they look great when others are swinging them around but I've never acquired a taste for them myself. I also have yet to find one that "speaks to me". You can tell when someone finds their weapon- Sifu Robinson with the tonfa, Sifu Krebs with the rope dart, most recently Sifu Lindstrom with the bench. Me? As long as I survive my choice I feel it's a decent year.

Last, forms seminar and upcoming Tiger Challenge. Had a blast on Saturday, it was great to see so many there. It was also great to see the progress made in a couple hours. Goes to show how far someone can go if they used their time well. As for the Tiger Challenge, I'm working my way towards that. I don't know why but I'm consistently skipping over a section of snake any time I perform it. One step makes the difference and I always choose the wrong step. Which means I've never performed the full form to date. Perhaps I can change my record before the month is up.

1 comment:

Jeff Brinker said...

Im glad you did not waste the turkey. If something has to die to feed us, certainly none of it should be wasted. This year for the cranes project, I want to make sure that every step is recorded -photos and video, so that we can retrospectively look back at the project. So please take some pictures and shoot some quality video.